Meet the Filmmaker

Danilo Parra


Danilo Parra

We’re so excited to feature your work on Docuvist! We would love to be able to share the most current bio and donation resources for our readers so they know how to best support you and your work. It would be a great help if you could please respond to our outreach email so we can update this filmmaker bio page.

Thanks in advance 😊

— Chloe @ Docuvist

Danilo is an artist from Earth who was told by an astronomer that if we want to have peace on our planet, we should call ourselves Earthlings. Danilo makes a wide variety of visual arts from 3D animations to paintings to films. Sometimes he scores his films as well.

Filmography Featured on Docuvist

The Invisible 65,000

6 min

+ Synopsis

- Synopsis

What it's like to be a New York City delivery worker.